Five Spirits ... Immeasurable wisdom

I recently found a treasure at my local library (a motherlode of goodies in itself!) ... Lorie Eve Drechar's Five Spirits: Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing. As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lorie imbues her work with an understanding of alchemy (Taoist, European, and Tantric) which potentiates "transformation -- the reorganization and spiritual upgrading of organic life."

I've only read 13 pages thus far, and I have that spine-tickling sense that this book is a find. Already I've learned that the pictographic language of China is composed of "multidimensional gestalts, immediately perceived wholes that integrate and unify a host of related multisensory impressions and ideas."

-- ! -- That's what poetry is, I think, and That's a beautiful description of trigrams and hexagrams.

Of Tao, Lorie writes, "Tao makes a space in the known where the uknown can happen ... Tao is the ongoing ever-imminent, ever-astonishing arising of the possible."

Here's a direct link to Lorie Eve Dechar's website:

I'm off to read now...


Unknown said…
This sounds most interesting for anyone addicted to the I Ching. I'm going to order a copy. Thanks for posting.

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